Wednesday 22 October 2008

A nice evening down the Harbour

Well that's what I had! A friend of mine who is originally from Ramsgate but has lived abroad for the past 14 years had popped back to see his folks and so decided that we should pop down the harbour for a pint or ten! And enjoyed some fabulous beers in several establishments

Having see how Ramsgate has been in the past, my old chum commented on how it seems that Ramsgate has pulled its socks up a bit. He has fond memories of the town and we really did reminisce about the old days of Ramsgate and the fun that could be had.

While remembering the "good old days" of our yoof, it then turned to sadness as we looked at things now gone such as Pleasurama, The Marina Swimming Pool etc.

Despite not having lived here for 14 years he's always kept abreast of what's happened here and is sad that so many things seem to have vanished.

When I explained about the council that Ramsgate will be getting, he thinks it can only help the town.

Only time will tell of course but it's always interesting to get an old resident of the towns view.

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